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Wray, Co

It is sunny and clear in Wray, CO. I have entered Colorado, the 10th state of my walk so far. After 21 days in Kansas I crossed into Nebraska yesterday and now Colorado this morning. I have gone 145 miles in the last 5 days since my last update, highlighted by a 42 mile day which I will get into later on. I have now accumulated over 1700 miles in 86 days. I have also crossed into the Mountain Time zone. I am writing this from the Wray Public Library. At first impression, I like the feel of Colorado so far. Either that or I was just extremely ready to get out of Kansas. This is the first state that gives me the feel of the west, although I am a little anxious to see how the landscape of the wide open west treats me.

I walked 34 miles out of Norton and into Oberlin. Generally I have found the first 20 miles or so to go by relatively fast. It is only when I begin to see the upcoming town in the distance that the time begins to drag on. A clump of bushes and a water tower in the distance means I am usually within 8 miles. Once again sleeping under cover at a roadside park, the storm hit. I heard thunder that was not only the loudest thunder I have ever heard, but quite possibly the loudest noise I have ever heard. Lying on the pavement, my eyes opened wide. Starring at the cracks in the cement. Wondering if they were there before just seconds ago. They were, but that is just how loud the thunder was. I thought the pavement was cracking all around me. I am lucky that each town has had a park with at least one covered area. I have slept under these areas at parks 12 of the last 22 nights, and have only set up my tent once since I entered Kansas.

The next day I went 28 miles to Atwood, KS. There I found a park overlooking Lake Atwood. I sat at a picnic table stealing WI-FI from the “It’ll Do Motel” across the street, and I tell you… it really did do it for me. It was next to that lake where I decided the next day I would try to go 42 miles to St. Francis the next day.

The first 27 miles went very smoothly. At this point I was reaching Bird City, KS, which is basically an RV parking lot with a sign next to it saying in bold letters “Welcome to Bird City.” Feeling good, I thought I can actually do this! Somewhere in the next 15 miles my mind took over. It reached a whole new level for the first time since walking through the rain on no sleep back in Canton, GA 70 days ago. I felt a weight on the top of my head. I began swaying my head side to side. Feeling that weight swing back and forth, just to make sure that feeling was still there. I felt that if I slowed down, the weight would slowly push me into the ground. I looked at the sky. The clouds were so clear and defined. They looked closer to me that ever before. It was so beautiful, it almost felt like an illusion. I thought back on my experiences in Kansas now that it would soon be coming to a close. It seemed to me that a lot of people in Kansas didn’t even know what life is like outside of Kansas. So different it was, a completely different space. What if this was all an illusion? What if I walked the entirety of Kansas only to find a giant wall with a painted on sky. I would have to open a door to exit this place, and enter the rest of the country. 6 miles to go. All of these thoughts were racing through my mind as I once again became aware of my body movements. My shoulders now punching forward, right, left, right, left. My fingers now just wildly tapping sporadically on the handlebar. My head still swaying back and forth. Lost in my thoughts. There was a rhythm to my walk. 4 miles to go. Walking now at a faster pace than ever. My body was invincible. How Can I walk so fast after all of these miles? “SHHHH, don’t say anything.” The voice in my head says. “Sit back and enjoy the ride.” I did just that. St. Francis was here. 42 miles. I made it. On the surface, nothing really happened. I just walked for 13 hours. Seemingly pretty dull, but so much happened internally to be able to accomplish what I had set out to do. I created this outcome for myself.

Earlier in the day a woman named Tina had stopped and given me some waters and a donation. She told me to give her a call upon reaching St. Francis. She met me in town around 830pm. She drove slowly and I walked alongside her car, talking along the way. She led me to a house she owned that was empty. She told me that she wants to backpack around the world someday. She had backpacked when she was younger, but her life had gotten sidetracked 25 years ago and she was now in a small Kansas town. She was so helpful. I got to sleep indoors that night. I needed it after that 42 mile experience.

Today was a short day. Only 17 miles from Haigler, NE to Wray, CO. I arrived here around 11 am.

Side Note (s)

The last two stores I have purchased food at. I attempted to pay with my card each time since I haven’t been able to get cash anywhere. On both occasions I was told “cash only.” Both times telling them I did not have any cash they just let me have whatever I was going to get for free.

The pen I still have to write in my journal everyday is from the Days Inn Canton, GA. Still works.

I have walked in 10 states so far (SC,GA,AL,MS,TN,KY,MO,KS,NE,CO) There are only 4 states left on my route (WY,UT,NV,CA).

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