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Martin, TN

I rigged up a nice super glue and duct tape heavy band aid for my handle. I’m moving forward with it for now. I have to be gentle with it and keep the front wheel in the air. If you gave me a fully functional cart right now I don’t think I would know how to push it. I have made so many subtle adjustments to make this contraption move forward. Honestly as long as it keeps on rolling, so do I. Everything else is going great. I am about 13 miles away from the border to Kentucky. Tennessee has been my favorite state to walk through so far. As of now I don’t even feel like I am walking. I don’t think about it, it just happens. I feel like I am just merely existing, gliding down the road, breathing in life along the way.

Yesterday was beautiful. I’ll remember it forever, and from the outside looking in, nothing significant really happened. There is something about Saturday where it seems the sun shines a bit brighter. It definitely didn’t feel like a regular day. I love the houses here, all made of brick, big white beams surround the front patios miles of green grass and my favorite, the scent of the freshly cut grass in the air. I found a spot to camp in-between the railroad tracks and the road in a residential neighborhood. I had to be stealth. I really do enjoy sleeping in the crevices of America and reappearing as the sun rises. Although it is pretty much the opposite of what I would do in my regular life. I liked staying in during the day and appearing at night when seemingly nobody could see me. I guess it was my way of finding freedom. The kind of freedom that I feel now all of the time.

The sunrise this morning was perfect. It looked like all of the pictures I used to draw. Alternating blue and orange rays surrounding the rising sun. I walked through the small town of Sharon, TN today, so I had to send a picture to my mom. (Her name is Sharon) A nice girl there gave me 20$, she said she had seen me multiple times along the road. Knowing that rain is once again coming tonight and tomorrow I had to find a good place to camp tonight. I came across what appears to be the greatest park of all time in Martin, TN. It has 9 baseball/ softball fields, covered patios, fishing pond, playgrounds and Wi-Fi. I am sitting next to the pond by a man who is either fishing with no arms, or is really cold and has tucked them into his shirt. Once it gets dark I will probably sneak into one of the covered dugouts. For now, there is a swing set near me and I am headed straight for it.

Side note

I saw a sign of a guy running for mayor or something and his name was JR Blankey. I couldn’t stop laughing trying to picture a tough guy with the last name of blankey.

Also people call shoppimg carts buggey's here.

That is all for now. Happy Easter Everyone!

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