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Garbage Man Jesus

Well It has been an interesting few days. I have walked further in these few days than I had anticipated. I’m at about 95 miles as of now. It’s pretty interesting I have gotten so used to pushing a cart on the side of the road already, standing behind the cart gives me the feeling of home. It’s weird I feel the same comfort I would sitting at my house in Visalia as I do pushing a cart along the 378. My first day out of Myrtle Beach when it was starting to get dark two guys named Chris and Zach pulled over said they would find me a place to camp. They ended up taking me to their house for a home cooked meal and I sat in on their bible study group led by their father Kevin. The whole family couldn’t have been nicer. Afterwards they took me to a friends property where I slept in a half built shack. My second night was a little rough as it rained all night. Once I stopped walking the temperature dropped 50 degrees and a steady rain fell down. I didn’t set up my tent properly and my sleeping bag and some clothes got wet. My third night I walked 25 miles and slept in the dugout of the Lake City High School softball field. It got pretty cold. When I woke up my cart was covered in frost and the damp clothes I laid out to dry had frozen.It’s pretty crazy almost every gas station I stop at somebody says they saw me the day before or someone they know saw me and told them about this guy walking with a cart and probably a baby in it. I got a few friend requests from a few ppl in town that found out what I was doing and there is this facebook status that is somehow tracking me. Each comment left is an update of where the last person has seen me. Pretty Cool. As for today/tonight, I walked until about 1pm and stopped to eat. I immediately grew very tired so I took a nap by the Tubreville grocery store. I woke up feeling good so I decided to do some night walking. Not a great Idea I got to Sumter and it might be the scariest place I have ever been. A lot of old houses, half of which seem abandoned with trash everywhere. The occupied half all have dogs that are all barking at me. I know theyre barking but I’m almost positive that in dog lingo they are saying very nasty things towards me. There is a ton of dead animals alongside the road. I was planning on stopping somewhere to camp here but once I got in I thought there is no way so I kept walking until about an hour ago. I had never been so excited to see a 24 hour Mcdonalds! That is where I sit now needing to sleep at some point. I walked 35 miles today and blisters are beginning to set in. Anytime I sit for more than 5 minutes my whole body stiffens up. The actual walking part of this journey is not so bad. The stress of not knowing where you will sleep has been. I picked up a stick while walking that will become my dog defense stick. Every dog I see seems to want to rip my head off. I hate dogs. They suck. Also, Paved shoulders are a nice thing. I wish there were more. I started laughing hysterically today imagaining that my cart was a shopping cart and my backpack which sets in it was Cuba Gooding JR. You know like that movie “Radio?” My idea of funny will probably get even more bizarre the longer I go. One last thing The garbage man stopped me at about 7am on Thursday and asked me what I was doing so I told him. He puffed his cigar and kicked over an empty garbage can and once I was done explaining he hopped in his truck and grabbed his bible and handed it to me. He said with his southern accent “let this be your road map.” From here on out this man will be known as Jesus to me. That is all.

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