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I am sitting here at gate 83 in LAX waiting for my plane which leaves at 9:30 pm which is about 4 hours from now. I sit here greatful for my family who has been so supportive of me throughout planning and preparing stages of this idea that I came up with one night about 9 months ago. I have all of these thoughts running through my mind, trying to analyze everything that put me in this position and what I would like to accomplish before I return.I have a habit of trying to do this because it helps me remember things, then I try to think about too much, then I don't even remember why I started thinking. Then I stop myself and think there's no way I will be able to figure all of this out now.... just take it in. So starting now I will now just begin to take it all in. I can't wait to see what Myrtle Beach is like once I have my stuff that has already been shipped there. That will be the true beginning to a new lifestyle, but a lot of things have to happen before then. Just like when everyone asks me when you get home where will you finish and what will you do? So many things have to happen between now and then and im focusing on being present for all of those moments because it's not a destination or a goal but a journey.Im getting way ahead of myself I still have 4 hours at gate 83 and a flight to Newark. Flying economy is nothing easy in itself. I remember reading a book by Damien Echols who got out of prison after 18 years on death row.Once he got out his friend Eddie Vedder flew him around on his private plane for a few weeks. Once he had to fly back home on a regular plane he thought this is terrible I would rather be back in prison. I always thought that was funny but you see i've got obstacles ahead of me. One step at a time.

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